Brasilia, Brazil

Metro of Brasilia

Brasilia is one of
the host cities
of the World Cup 2014
World Cup 2014 in Brazil

Brasilia Facts

Brazilians refer to underground transportation systems as "metrô". In Brasília, only in the stretch within the Plano Piloto do trains run underground.
Official site of the Brasília metro:

Brasilia underground system
The image above show the Brasília metro grid (October 2005). Credit of image and photos at this page: Brasilia Metro.

The Brasilia metro is not much comprehensive (buses may be a better way to get around the Pilot Plan).
The metro leaves from the Rodoviaria (bus station) and goes only southwards. It doesn't go to most of political and tourist spots of Brasília.
metro train The main purpose of the metro is to serve the population of the largest satellite cities, such as Guará, Águas Claras, Samambaia, Taguatinga and Ceilândia. The satellite cities are more populated than the Pilot Plan (the census of 2000 indicated that Ceilândia had 344,039 inhabitants, Taguatinga had 243,575, whereas the Pilot Plan had around 200,000 inhabitants), and most residents of the satellite cities depend on public transportation.
Free of transit contraints, the metro is a very quick means of transportation. Besides, it is clean and safe. The flat fare is R$ 1,90, less than US$ 1 (there are discounts for return and multiple trips).
Notice that, as informed by the graph above, most stations within the Pilot Plan (the ones marked with a green ball) are not operational yet. Also, the stretch between Taguatinga and Ceilândia is under construction.

Copyright 2005-2010